cover image When Postpartum Packs a Punch: Fighting Back and Finding Joy

When Postpartum Packs a Punch: Fighting Back and Finding Joy

Kristina Cowan. Praeclarus, $15.95 trade paper (274p) ISBN 978-1-946665-00-3

Journalist and debut author Cowan explores postpartum depression (PPD) and other birth-related mood disorders in this informative yet personal text. After her first baby was born, Cowan was steeped in sadness; motherhood was not proving the joyride she had expected. The author sought help, finding it in a mixture of antidepressants, therapy, and her religious faith. Inspired to investigate further, she gathered the stories of other mothers suffering from postpartum disorders. (Interestingly, like the author, a number of women interviewed for the book went on to help others after experiencing PPD themselves). Cowan alerts readers to symptoms, risk factors, and neurochemical causes; outlines common therapies and medications; and defines the five major perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, including postpartum psychosis, a rare but serious condition. She also shares the stories of dads who have faced paternal postnatal depression. Talking about the issue and sharing experiences, the author notes, are important ways of addressing a subject often buried by shame. This powerful and useful book will be a boon for women facing any of these devastating postpartum disorders. (BookLife)