The Nonfiction Book Publishing Plan: The Professional Guide to Profitable Self-Publishing
Stephanie Chandler and Karl W. Palachuk. Authority Publishing, $19.99 (302p) ISBN 978-1-949642-00-1
Two independent-publishing gurus present a keen-eyed, thorough view of the basics of getting a self-published book written, designed, distributed, and publicized. They know their stuff: Palachuk owns a technology consulting firm, the Sacramento Small Business Server User Group, and a publishing business, the Great Little Book Publishing Company, while Chandler is a former bookstore owner and the CEO of the company through which they (appropriately) self-published this book. They demonstrate that the strategy of self-publishing nonfiction is very different from fiction, and extends beyond the book itself; many authors will want to use their books as brand extensions. Self-publishing, Chandler and Palachuk observe, makes authors into entrepreneurs—if they aren’t already—with the success of their book firmly in their hands. The authors weigh the pros and cons of self-publishing versus going with a traditional publishing house, and tackle profitability, distribution, soliciting endorsements and reviews (they suggest that when readers privately reach out to praise a book, authors should “reply with gracious appreciation and ask the reader to post a review online”), selling on Amazon, and a plethora of other how-to topics. Backed with case studies and resources, this is a useful guide for nonfiction authors aspiring to bestsellerdom.[em] (BookLife)
Reviewed on: 01/10/2019
Genre: Nonfiction