La Ultima Cruzada de Los Cristeros a Fox = The Last Crossing
Edgar Gonzalez Ruiz, Edgar Gonzalez Ruiz. Grijalbo, $19.95 (283pp) ISBN 978-970-05-1289-1
This important and timely book looks at Mexico's new president and the political support he received from the nation's conservative factions. According to Gonzalez Ruiz (a faculty member of Mexico's Institute of Sexuality and author of several books on conservatism), during his presidential campaign, Vicente Fox made repeated references to the Cristeros, a coalition of Catholic factions that in the 1920s and '30s participated in a violent struggle between church and state in Mexico. They made highly critical comments on abortion and gay rights while also condemning the use of drugs. This book researches the cozy relationship between extremist groups and certain sectors of Fox's winning coalition (the PAN and PVEM) and questions how committed President Fox will be to a right-wing agenda. Offering no shattering conclusions, just speculations, this book is recommended for public and academic libraries and will be popular in bookstores serving Mexican immigrants. Jos O. Diaz, Ohio State Univ. Lib., Columbus
Reviewed on: 06/01/2001
Genre: Nonfiction