cover image Galileo


Leonard Everett Fisher. MacMillan Publishing Company, $17 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-02-735235-1

A companion volume to Fisher's Prince Henry the Navigator , this uncommon illustrated biography captures and communicates the complex life of this world-changing scientist. The fact-filled yet graceful narrative places Galileo within the continuum of scientific inquiry even as it reveals considerable information about his valuable discoveries. Readers learn that when Galileo proved and promulgated the veracity of Copernicus's theory (the earth is not the center of the universe), he met with stiff religious opposition in the person of Pope Paul V. The scientist's forced recantation before the Inquisition is discussed, as is the impact of his later writings on future work by Newton. The black-and-gray pages throughout--coupled with textured, chiaroscuro acrylic paintings--give the book a distinctive look while emphasizing the story's dramatic elements. Ages 7-11. (May)