cover image Men May Come and Men May Go, but I've Still Got My Little Pink Raincoat

Men May Come and Men May Go, but I've Still Got My Little Pink Raincoat

Gigi Anders, . . HarperCollins/Rayo, $19.95 (258pp) ISBN 978-0-06-111885-2

These lively dispatches from the dating circuit by Anders, the Cuban-American journalist and author (Jubana! ), redeems each man in her life according to the item of clothing he inspires. The first of these 10 chapters, "Little Pink Raincoat," establishes unfussily the author's essential emotional conflict between possessing that perfectly wonderful piece of clothing, in this case a bubble-gum pink Gap raincoat ("Once you have it," she notes, "you've arrived more deeply and forever at your best self"), and finding the sympathetic mate. In the end, the author gains the raincoat, which her yo-yo lover of four years barely notices, and loses the guy. Ditto for the rest of her sartorial trials: "Peach Panties" chronicles a short-lived affair with a Washington, D.C., married dermatologist (she calls him DFC, for Doctor Fruit Cocktail), whose fetish is peach-colored lingerie; "Red Ballet Slippers" finds her obsessing over the purchase of red ballet flats to wear on a blind date with a suave Argentinean snob in Miami (he turns out to be gay and in need of a green card). In this lighthearted memoir, Anders demonstrates some clever journalistic writing and an impeccably fun fashion sense. (Mar.)
