cover image Bathtime for Chickies

Bathtime for Chickies

Janee Trasler. Harper, $8.99 (24p) ISBN 978-0-06-234229-4

In their fifth outing, Trasler’s chickies take not one but three baths—after getting “squeaky clean” they promptly get dirty once again. Painted as yellow balls of energy with fluffy wings and stick legs, the chickies refuse every attempt to get them in the bath (“No bath today./ No thank you, Cow./ We’re not that dirty anyhow”), though the facing pages show them immediately getting clean, creating slightly jarring transitions. Regardless, the chickies’ messy free-for-alls are fully entertaining, and readers can listen to Trasler sing about their bathtime adventures in an accompanying song, available online. Up to age 4. Agent: Jamie Weiss Chilton, Andrea Brown Literary Agency. (June)