cover image Deephaven


Ethan M. Aldridge. Quill Tree, $18.99 (288p) ISBN 978-0-0632-8316-9

Following their mother’s disappearance during the Depression and their father’s later arrest, nonbinary amateur inventor Guinevere “Nev” Tallow takes their curious invitation to Deephaven Academy as a chance to start over. Upon arrival at the secluded New England school, they quickly realize that the institution is hiding something—and so are some of its students. After encountering a terrifying beast in the abandoned east wing, where a student purportedly died the year before, Nev, portrayed with pale skin, and new friend Danny, who has brown skin, set out to unravel Deephaven’s secrets. As Nev confronts a seance, a mysterious code, and devious prefects, they wonder if they’re doomed to be alone in the world and what kind of person they are. Through Nev’s insatiable curiosity, Aldridge (The Legend of Brightblade) cultivates a sometimes hazy magical-school plot that energetically conjures plenty of twists and a genuinely creepy vibe. Fine-lined b&w art enhances the atmosphere; the school’s student body is intersectionally diverse. Agent: Stephen Barbara, Inkwell Management. Ages 8–12. (Sept.)