cover image Face Forward: Reclaiming Hope When Everything Falls Apart

Face Forward: Reclaiming Hope When Everything Falls Apart

Bethny Ricks. Zondervan, $24.99 trade paper (224p) ISBN 978-0-31015-722-9

“God’s love transcends every bruise, mistreatment, and setback,” according to this empowering debut guide from former corporate executive Ricks. Recalling how she climbed the ranks to become the youngest senior vice president at ScottsMiracle-Gro, Ricks describes the self-doubt she faced before a health crisis forced her to find new ways to protect her self-worth. Ricks advises readers to stop relying on others’ approval by eschewing “hollow promises made to appease [you]” and “words that merely stroke your ego,” and refusing “to contort who you are to fit in.” Elsewhere, she encourages readers to get clearer on their priorities (for example, by considering whether God believes the “item, idea, or rhythm... you have introduced into your life is beneficial”), reframe failure as a chance to cultivate resilience, and become more empowered decision-makers. While some might wish for more concrete advice—the book consists mostly of guided self-reflection, and questions such as “What is the posture of my heart?” can feel vague—others will appreciate Ricks’s can-do attitude, which is grounded in intimate disclosures from her personal and professional life (including the challenges of being one of the only Black women at a corporation’s executive level). Believers seeking a fresh start will be energized. (Oct.)