cover image Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card

Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card. Tor Books, $24.95 (675pp) ISBN 978-0-312-85047-0

This hefty, definitive collection contains all of Card's short fiction except for those in his common-theme book ( The Folk of the Fringe ) and those few he says he wants to bury. Which still leaves 46 tales of horror, fantasy, SF, philosophy and Mormon life. ``Dogwalker'' throws an electronic nod to the cyberpunk genre, while ``I Put My Blue Genes On'' is an early precursor to newly emerging biopunk. ``Lost Boys'' is a straightforward, most terrifying horror tale. The five stories with Mormon settings form a pastoral still-life contrasting with the justified cruelty of the rescued humans in the SF entry ``Kingsmeat.'' Available only in this hardcover edition (not due to be included in the later paperback version) are the pre-novel versions of the Nebula- and Hugo Award-winning author's Songmaster , Ender's Game and Prentice Alvin. A series of introductions and afterwords offering Card's thoughts on his life and his writing are as absorbing as the stories. BOMC and QPB selections. (Oct.)