cover image The Kingdom of Gods

The Kingdom of Gods

N.K. Jemisin. Orbit, $13.99 trade paper (624p) ISBN 978-0-316-04393-9

Jemisin’s third and final Inheritance fantasy (after 2010’s The Broken Kingdoms) builds on the series theme of obsessive, destructive love. Child trickster godling Sieh has been lonely for eons. When Shahar and Dekarta, twin scions of the once-powerful Arameri clan, disingenuously offer to be his friends, his misguided attempt to seal their friendship with magic and blood ends in catastrophe. Years later, Sieh wakes to find himself mortal and aging, Dekarta scapegoated and banished, and Shahar entangled in family politics. Worse, an ancient, forgotten figure has returned with a plan for vengeance that may doom the world. Jemisin is as talented as ever, and the focus on desperate longing lends the series thematic unity. There is room for sequels but no need for them, allowing Jemisin to move on to new frontiers. (Nov.)