cover image 20 Years Younger

20 Years Younger

Bob Greene, Little, Brown, $27.99 (288p) ISBN 978-0-316-13378-4

Oprah's bestselling diet and fitness guru offers a four-part, science-based, antiaging plan for looking and feeling younger and healthier, focused on exercise, nutrition, skin care, and restorative sleep. People live in ways that predispose them to aging, and many symptoms—wrinkles, weight gain, memory loss, lack of energy, and some illnesses—are really the result of sedentary living, bad diet, inefficient skin care, not enough sleep, and other poor health habits. Greene observes that aging is less about genetics and evolution and more about the cumulative effects of damage to the body. In order to subvert what was once believed inevitable, he developed a regimen for regaining and maintaining optimal health, utilizing the research and recommendations of other experts in their fields. The first half of the book offers the wherefore and the why, along with a practical program recommending cardiovascular exercise, core strength training; a Mediterranean-influenced diet, low calorie, low fat superfoods with antioxidant supplements; sunblock and a three-step skin hygiene regimen; and treating the physical and psychological problems that prevent rejuvenating sleep. Greene's lists of dos and don'ts help readers assess their current health status and grasp what changes to make in order to move forward. The book includes menus and recipes, boxes and sidebars with information and tips, and much positive reinforcement for readers. (May)