cover image The Boy Who Found His Voice

The Boy Who Found His Voice

Tyler Gordon. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $18.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-3743-8967-3

Tyler, portrayed with brown skin and an Afro, has “trouble with words. Long words. Short words. Silly words. All words.... just kept getting... STUCK!” In his thoughts, he knows “exactly what to say and how to say it,” including “the real reason why that chicken crossed the road.” In his day-to-day, though, “his tongue got tied,” leaving him “frustrated... and frazzled....” His mother advises, “Breathe in.... Breathe out.... Let go of all your doubt. You can.... You will.... You’re able!” a mantra that, along with practice, bolsters the young artist through a show-and-tell session he’s been dreading: sharing a self-portrait. Drawing, per an author’s note, from teen activist and artist Gordon’s experiences with stuttering, this uplifting work employs humor, rhythmic text, and lively digital illustrations as it moves toward a longed-for moment in which “the crowd went WILD” for the young protagonist. Ages 4–8. (June)