Stories to Share from the 20th Century

YOU READ TO ME AND I'LL READ TO YOU: Stories to Share from the 20th Century

, . . Knopf, $34.95 (256pp) ISBN 978-0-375-81083-1

A companion to Schulman's The 20th-Century Children's Book Treasury, this hefty anthology also has ample treasures to share. Aimed at a slightly older child than that earlier work, this volume collects 26 of last century's most memorable picture books and early chapter books (or parts thereof) and represents the works of a sterling cast of authors and artists. In her introductory note, Schulman urges parents and others to share these tales with youngsters: "It is certainly true that most children continue to enjoy being read to long after they have mastered the skill themselves." The stories span the century, from 1936 (Edward Ardizzone's Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain) to 2000 (Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys by Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard, illus. by E.B. Lewis), with a healthy portion of them hailing from the 1970s. Schulman balances the poignant (Judith Viorst's The Tenth Good Thing About Barney, illus. by Erik Blegvad) with the comical (Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith's The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs), the nonsensical (Horton Hatches the Egg by Dr. Seuss) with the true-to-life (No One Is Going to Nashville by Mavis Jukes, illus. by Lloyd Bloom) and gems lesser known to today's readers such as Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown, illus. by Tomi Ungerer. It's easy to imagine entire families losing themselves in these pages for hours. Ages 5-up. (Sept.)
