Giant Killers
Michael Pertschuk. W. W. Norton & Company, $17.95 (252pp) ISBN 978-0-393-02354-1
The giants of the title are powerful lobbies representing formidable private concerns over which public-interest and consumer lobbies have scored notable victories. Pertschuk, former chairmanof the Federal Trade Commission and now co-director of the Advocacy Institute of Washington, recounts with zest and humor how campaigns by determined and politically astute citizens' groups prevailed even against the Reagan administration with their successful championship of the 1982 Voting Rights Act. Effective lobbying, he contends, depends on broad, grass-roots support, committed leadership and sympathetic media. He describes strategies and techniques citizens' lobbies have employed to influence Congress, along with, for example, mobilization of health agencies to act against smoking and of environmentalists to block dam builders. He appeals to readers to get involved in such causes as the fight against the MX missile. An enlightening insider's view of the legislative process and congressional politics. (September 29)
Reviewed on: 09/01/1986
Genre: Nonfiction