Learned Optimism
Martin E. P. Seligman. Alfred A Knopf Inc, $19.95 (319pp) ISBN 978-0-394-57915-3
Not just another paean to positive thinking, psychologist Seligman's pep talk is grounded in clinical evidence that pessimists give up more easily, get depressed more often and are more susceptible to disease than are optimists. Our ``explanatory style,'' the way we rationalize our setbacks, is a key to our personal outlook, and this style crystallizes in childhood by age eight, according to the author, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. To cure ``learned helplessness,'' he outlines a set of cognitive techniques designed to foster healthy optimism. Included are tests enabling readers to measure levels of pessimism or optimism and degrees of depression. Seligman also offers advice to parents on helping their children escape defeatism. Written in a popular, conversational style, yet incorporating much new research, this upbeat guide may help even closet negativists change their attitudes and behavior. BOMC alternate. (Jan.)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1991
Genre: Nonfiction