cover image Nat Hide&sk: Jungle Lif

Nat Hide&sk: Jungle Lif

John Norris Wood, John Mo Nature-Wood. Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, $13 (20pp) ISBN 978-0-394-87802-7

This title in the Nature Hide & Seek series is a powerful little picture book with tantalizing fold-outs and dazzling displays of the jungle's flora and fauna. The first and last rule of the jungle, namely the survival game, requires camouflagein kids' lingo it's called hide and seek. The apparent and mysterious attraction of the very young to this game will make Jungles indispensable. Older readers also will be challenged by the hunt for animals, which are shown first among the vines, brush and trees, and then in their entirety on alternating pages. Some animals are quite impossible to findthe tiger, the owl and, particularly, the chameleon. This is an intriguing book; no reader who picks it up will be able to resist a quick search for the hidden animals. Ages 59. (May)