cover image No Deals, Mr. Bond

No Deals, Mr. Bond

John E. Gardner. Putnam Publishing Group, $13.95 (317pp) ISBN 978-0-399-13254-4

In this latest James Bond caper, there's still more attention paid to pain than to sexual delights, though rather less of both than heretofore, lethal toys are very much in evidence, and the plot is, of course, smoothly preposterous. Which is to say that Bond fans will not be disappointed. Bond is called by M to save the lives of the remnants of ""Cream Cake,'' a defunct sexual-entrapment operation in East Germany. Two young women with British ``identities'' have been killed and their tongues cut out, the work of the KGB, the GRU or the East Germans. Half the characters seem to be involved in betraying the other half, since ``Cream Cake'' was apparently ``blown'' from the beginning. Bond is unsure of whom to trust, and his chief job, after staying alive, is to uncover the prime traitor. Ireland and Hong Kong supply rather desultory color. Fans of long duration will be pleased that the head villain is Gen. Chernov, ex-boss of SMERSH, who pits four killers against Bond in the final combat. Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Club alternates. (April 27)