cover image Think and Grow Rich! Stickability—The Power of Perseverance

Think and Grow Rich! Stickability—The Power of Perseverance

Greg S. Reid. Penguin/Tarcher, $24.95 (208p) ISBN 978-0-399-16582-5

The latest offering from the Napoleon Hill juggernaut focuses on old-fashioned determination as a path to success. Hailed in the introduction as “arguably the founder of the modern-day success movement,” Hill’s empire has encouraged readers for years through the Think and Grow Rich series. In this highly branded and deliberately quotable book, authorized by the Napoleon Hill Foundation, filmmaker and motivational speaker Reid argues that although success is difficult to achieve, fortune favors the bold, and success comes to those who find ways to power through hard times. Reid breaks down the “Three Causes of Failure”: inability to get along with other people; quitting when the going gets tough; and procrastination. He stresses the need to be flexible and forward-thinking in tough times. Case studies include the famous (J.K. Rowling, the stranded Chilean miners, Steve Jobs) and the obscure (such as Anousheh Ansari, an immigrant who became the first astronaut of Iranian descent). Fans of Hill’s model will find inspiration in the exhortations to fight entropy, overcome fear, have faith, and innovate; others may view the painfully stilted writing and flagrant sales pitches for other books in the series as tiresome. (Oct.)