cover image Don’t Kill the Messenger

Don’t Kill the Messenger

Eileen Rendahl. Berkley Sensation, $15 (323pp) ISBN 978-0-425-23256-9

A strong and sassy heroine shines in this exciting, sexy, and hilarious debut. Melina Markowitz has unusual powers, leading her to a career as a Messenger, a sort of postal carrier for the supernatural creatures that normal people can’t see. Now 26, Melina is delivering a package when a pack of ninjas ambush her and steal it. She follows them and finds grotesque zombie vampires called kiang shi ripping apart local gang members on behalf of the Chinese mafia, who want a stake in the Sacramento drug trade. Officer Ted Goodnight is concerned about the sudden rise in gang violence, and he wonders why he keeps running into Melina. As sparks fly between Ted and Melina, the danger soars. Melina’s charisma and wit, interesting side characters, and dashes of hot romance will keep readers wanting more. (Mar.)
