I Hate Everyone... Starting with Me
Joan Rivers. Berkley, $25.95 (256p) ISBN 978-0-425-24830-0
Irreverent comedienne Rivers (Men Are Stupid%E2%80%A6And They Like Big Boobs: A Woman's Guide to Beauty Through Plastic Surgery) is back with this sometimes funny and frequently offensive treatise on everything she hates, and as the title promises, she spares nothing and no one%E2%80%94not even herself. Victims of her vitriol include "women who think that giving birth is some unique achievement," "ugly children," Christian Bale (though she insists it's "nothing personal"), Annie Oakley, nudists, men without manners, and plenty others. She even takes on interfaith marriages, misleading state superlatives ("For example, New Jersey is nicknamed %E2%80%98The Garden State.' Really? Have you ever smelled New Jersey?"), the Boy Scouts of America, and "people who complain that %E2%80%98Joan says "fuck" too much.'" Taken in very, very small doses, Rivers's aggressively acerbic wit can be hilarious, but the unbridled cynicism will likely wear on anyone who isn't Joan Rivers. Photos. (June)
Reviewed on: 07/09/2012
Genre: Nonfiction
Compact Disc - 978-1-61176-065-1