Elvis & Ginger: Elvis Presley's Fianc%C3%A9e and Last Love Finally Tells Her Story
Ginger Alden. Berkley, $26.95 (400p) ISBN 978-0-425-26633-5
Alden, a fiancee of Presley, prompted to tell her story because of a conversation with her son about the legend, shares her memories. However, she sheds no new light on Elvis and doesn't allow glimpses below the surface of her own life with him. In September 1976, Presley invited Alden's sister Terry, who has just won the Miss Tennessee beauty title, to visit him at Graceland, and she asks if she can bring her sisters. To everyone's surprise, he asks Ginger, not Terry, to stay around and visit with him in private. Eventually, he requests that Ginger join him on his tours, whisking her away in private jets, putting her up in private suites, and sitting her backstage where he can see her during his shows. In just a couple of months, he becomes her "mentor, lover, and protector." Fewer than eight months after they meet, she finds Elvis sprawled on the floor of his bathroom, breathing his final breaths. Presley emerges from Alden's memoir as an eccentric, jealous, and needy person who confuses monetary generosity with love. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 11/10/2014
Genre: Nonfiction