cover image Night’s Honor

Night’s Honor

Thea Harrison. Berkley Sensation, $7.99 mass market (304p) ISBN 978-0-4252-7436-1

Harrison’s enjoyable seventh Elder Races paranormal (after Kinked) takes a trip to the Vampyre demesne in San Francisco. The Vampyres are hosting their annual audition and auction for new human attendants. Running away from a dangerous Djinn, Tess Graham reluctantly offers her skills for auction and attracts the attention of Xavier del Torro, who serves the Nightkind King. Despite her fear of Xavier, she agrees to train as his attendant, understanding that she must eventually offer her blood without hesitation. The epitome of a Spanish nobleman, Xavier hides his interest in Tess behind politeness and professionalism, but he can’t help but be impressed by her determination to conquer her fear of his kind and succeed as an attendant. When she leverages his political connections to save herself, she also captures his heart. The world contains a great many different beings and types of magic, but even casual readers will be able to follow along and enjoy this fun and affecting episode. (Sept.)