In Lewis's (Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo) rhyming tale, it is Halloween day when an enormous pumpkin bounces downhill and through the Baxter family farm. At the sight of this "thumpety/ bumpety/ thumpin'/ bumpin'/ round and rolly/ runaway pumpkin!" the Baxters think not of personal safety but of Granny's pumpkin recipes. Schindler (Skeleton Hiccups), in amusing but untidy compositions, gives each person an astonished expression and a thought-balloon flash of pumpkin bread, soup or pie. Crisis averted, the resourceful family carves a humongous jack-o'-lantern while Granny bakes. A solid choice for children who prefer a slapstick celebration to chills and thrills. Ages 4-7. (Sept.)