Written in the Stars
Nan Ryan. Dell Publishing Company, $4.99 (436pp) ISBN 978-0-440-21072-6
Disillusioned and restless in the stifling society of late-1800s Washington, D.C., Diane Buchannan has ditched her prestigious job as a senator's aide to head west and join up with her grandfather's ailing Wild-West show. There she meets Ben Star, forced into captivity and billed as ``the Redman of the Rockies.'' Calling on her earlier training as a stunt rider, Diane becomes one of the show's main attractions. Though she's warned against having contact with Ben, Diane finds herself immediately attracted to him and can't resist the temptation to visit his cage whenever she gets a chance. As the rejuvenated show begins to rake in profits, Diane's disgust at the abuse that is meted out to the captive surmounts her happiness in her grandfather's success, and she plans to set Ben free. Though formulaic and dogged by a running log of rippling muscles and flowing tresses and the obvious fact that Ben and Diane are destined to get together, Ryan's ( The Legend of Love ) historical tale, carefully written and flavored with captivating images of the West near the turn of the century, ultimately delivers satisfaction. (Jan.)
Reviewed on: 11/30/1992
Genre: Fiction
Mass Market Paperbound - 436 pages - 978-0-505-52510-9
Open Ebook - 434 pages - 978-1-4532-8243-4
Open Ebook - 434 pages - 978-1-4532-8263-2
Open Ebook - 434 pages - 978-1-4532-8255-7