cover image KNOWING GOD INTIMATELY: Being as Close to Him as You Want to Be

KNOWING GOD INTIMATELY: Being as Close to Him as You Want to Be

Joyce Meyer, . . Warner Faith, $21.99 (320pp) ISBN 978-0-446-53193-1

Meyer, a bestselling author and media personality, confesses she spent many years as a Christian "just going through the motions." In this upbeat offering, she explains in a warm, conversational style how the void was filled through seeking a deeper intimacy with God, specifically in receiving and using the power of the Holy Spirit. For Meyer, God is in the details, and she looks to the Holy Spirit for guidance in everything from finding her lost TV remote ("Immediately in my spirit I thought of the bathroom and, sure enough, that's where it was") to solving serious problems, such as suffering from sexual abuse. As she unfolds four levels of commitment in achieving intimacy, there's a smattering of preacherly exhortation—"You and I need a Holy Ghost invasion!"—and some direct dialogue with the Almighty ("God once said to me...."). Meyer's simplistic illustrations occasionally range into cliché, but ensure that any reader will be able to understand her points, as when she observes that "sitting in church does not make one a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes one a car." As a strong proponent of speaking in tongues, Meyer offers a detailed description of exactly what to do to receive "the gift," but admirably balances this with her observation that the most important gift is love. Charismatic readers and Meyer's legions of fans will appreciate this passionate discourse, while non-charismatic readers willing to overlook points of disagreement will find some insights worth pondering. (Apr.)

Forecast:In a major acquisitions coup, Warner Faith signed Meyer last year in a deal that included all of her backlist titles (with 6 million copies in print) and several new works, this being the first. Meyer will promote the book for 10 consecutive days on her television program, appearing on 350 stations, and on her radio program, carried by 375 affiliates. She will also be a guest on the 700 Club and will excerpt the book in her magazine, which has 630,000 subscribers. This will be the Crossings Book Club's main selection for April.
