cover image No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love

No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love

Lisa Nichols, . . Wellness Central, $24.99 (270pp) ISBN 978-0-446-53846-6

With her appearance in The Secret , San Diego–based Nichols is now a star life coach and motivational speaker. In this candid, inspirational book, she crafts a program to guide people to more fulfilled, happy and purposeful lives, illustrating each chapter with her own remarkable story, which she adeptly turns into motivational jewels. From a troubled childhood—she was molested and had difficulty as a black student at a mostly white school—to teen years as a star athlete who lacked self-esteem, dead-end jobs and an abusive relationship and finally success, Nichols has gone through both the highs and lows of life. Her message is simple and follows The Secret 's Law of Attraction. But this book is about the Law of No Matter What: no matter what happens or what people say, you must commit to taking action: “I will do what I need to do.” And if you stumble along the way, you need “bounce-back muscles.” Each of nine chapters explores a different “muscle” (faith in yourself, honesty, say yes, etc.). Nichols's infectious enthusiasm and compassion shine from each page. (Apr. 13)
