Set during the late 1600s amidst the conflict between James II and William and Mary, a period that Givens (Kilgannon) is obviously at home with, this saga follows identical twins James and Neil MacCurrie as they lead their clan to war and then peace. Adeptly intertwining history with romance, this book, the first of two about the brothers, focuses on James, who takes Neil's place at a gathering of chiefs to discuss whether to go to war against William. En route to the meeting, James
rescues plucky Ellen Graham from unknown attackers. Ellen must reach the meeting to alert her cousin of a murder plot she overheard at her stepfather's home. After delivering her warning, she agrees to travel with James to safety, but when they are accosted once again, he takes her to his home. While the chemistry between James and Ellen crackles, the relationship between the brothers is put to the test. At one point, Neil, jealous of Ellen's growing importance to James, encourages her to leave, but inevitably, James finds her and handfasts with her. Givens spends almost as much time outlining the country's political affairs as she does the relationships between James, Ellen and Neil, but readers unfamiliar with highland romances will appreciate the history lesson. (July)