Fans of Love Spell's five-book action-adventure romance series, launched by Grant in April 2004 with The Legend of Banzai Maguire
will be delighted to return to the year 2176 for this exhilarating final installment. In her first appearance, Bree "Banzai" Maguire, an air force pilot who was frozen alive for 170 years, was on the run from the evil forces of the United Colonies of Earth, an unstable conglomeration of former nations, headquartered in the old United States, which saw her as a major threat to the status quo. Now, together with her lover and fellow soldier, Ty, she aims to both stay alive and play an inspirational role in the freedom movement. Bree's adrenaline-filled escapades contrast well with the more amorous adventures of her wingman, Cam "Scarlet" Tucker, who was missing for all of the last book. Now, as Bree fights for her life, Cam finds herself confronting one of the most powerful men in the world, Prince Kyber, heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Asia. Though the novel requires giant leaps of faith, pleasantly shocking twists and turns keep readers enthralled. Grant's writing remains vivid whether describing astounding futuristic advances, depicting a vicious gun volley or drawing a poignant love scene. Agent, Amy Rennert
. (Dec. 7)