cover image Jack in the Green

Jack in the Green

Rh Value Publishing, Allen Atkinson. Random House Value Publishing, $3.99 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-517-56594-0

Graylock, the lord of the dark and stony earth, decides that Spring will never come again. While Spring is imprisoned in a faraway castle, a gardener named Jack finds the Staff of the Seasons. With the help of his friend Brub, Jack goes on a quest to save Spring and bring back happiness and vitality to the land. This is an unfortunate attempt to combine magic, fantasia and heroic quests; it's stiffly written, with a tired plot and overplayed elements. While Atkinson's skill as an artist was unquestionablehis illustrations are elaborate and induce wonderit is not well-served by the choice and execution of the material. All ages. (September)