Darwin: 9a Life in Science
Michael White. Dutton Books, $24.95 (336pp) ISBN 978-0-525-94002-9
In this collaborative biography, White and Gribbin (Stephen Hawking; Einstein) aim for a composite overview of Darwin's life and science suitable to the general reader. Darwin was a complex 19th-century English gentleman, handicapped by chronic illness and family trauma. He was also an insightful investigator attuned to the fundamental and still controversial implications of his work. In alternating chapters, journalist White chronicles Darwin's personal life and scientist Gribbin covers his scientific career. The sections tracing development of concepts concerning evolution and related religious ideas are well done. Meshing of the personal and scientific plots is ragged, however, and the picture of the man is not fully satisfying. The broad strokes of personal history and cultural background are enlightening, but much detail is of uncertain interest or relevance, and the characterization is marred by overly assertive interpretations of Darwin's inner sentiments. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 12/04/1995
Genre: Nonfiction