cover image The Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Program: 0personalized Plan for Bcmg Slim Fit Healthy Your 40s 50s 60s Beyond

The Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Program: 0personalized Plan for Bcmg Slim Fit Healthy Your 40s 50s 60s Beyond

Richard F. Heller, Dr Rachael F. Heller. Dutton Books, $24.95 (494pp) ISBN 978-0-525-94174-3

The authors of The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet (1993) and Healthy for Life (1995) aim the latest volume in their approach to carbohydrate addiction at maturing Americans. Professors at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, the Hellers reiterate their claims that excess insulin causes some people to crave carbohydrates, creating an unstoppable cycle of cravings and weight gain. Noting that metabolisms slow down as individuals age, the Hellers again tell personal stories of learning how to manage their carbohydrate intake and their weight. They present their Basic Plan, which is based on craving-reducing proteins and vegetables and allows ""Reward Meals"" that include reasonable portions of carbohydrates. Nine ""Options"" include such tactics as adding chromium, exercising, or cutting out MSG (which triggers carbo cravings). The Hellers also link excess insulin to such age-related diseases as high blood pressure, heart disease and adult-onset diabetes. Accompanying recipes and menus, which allow much more fat than typical low-fat/high-carb plans, may attract new readers. To maturing Heller fans, much of the text will seem familiar. (Jan.)