cover image The Little Red Riding Hood Rebus Book

The Little Red Riding Hood Rebus Book

Ann Morris. Orchard Books (NY), $11.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-531-05730-8

This sweetly illustrated volume tells the story of Little Red Riding Hood in large print interspersed with rebuses. The rebuses range from actual pictures of people and thingsLittle Red Riding Hood, for instanceto symbols for parts of words that make sense when added to the nearby letters (e.g., the numeral ""1'' plus ``dered'' equals ``wondered''), and letters and numerals meant to represent their homonyms (``2'' for ``to''). The story has regular illustrations as well as the rebuses, and while some of the symbols will take a bit of puzzling through, this is a charming and inventive version of the favorite tale. However, some readers may find a niggling flaw: Little Red Riding Hood's mother cautions her not to wander off the path; but it's an empty warning, because she divulges her destinationGrandma's housewhile still on the trail. Ages 4-8. (October)