cover image A Mutiny in Time

A Mutiny in Time

James Dashner. Scholastic, $12.99 (192p) ISBN 978-0-545-38696-8

“History is broken, and we need your help to fix it.” What kid could turn down an invitation like that? Not fifth-grade best friends Dak Smyth and Sera Froste, who star in this kickoff to the seven-book Infinity Ring series (Lisa McMann, Matt de le Peña, and others will write subsequent titles). Dak and Sera live in an America beset by natural disasters and controlled by an organization known as the SQ (also, there are 48 states, and the U.S. capital is Philadelphia). Passionate about history (Dak) and science (Sera), both friends are drawn into an ancient conflict between the SQ and the Hystorians, who hope to correct “Breaks” in Earth’s time line. Via the Infinity Ring device Dak’s parents invented, Dak, Sera, and 16-year-old Hystorian Riq travel to 1492 Spain to prevent a mutiny against Christopher Columbus aboard the Santa Maria. It’s a quick, straightforward adventure with a successful mix of action, adventure, and historical substance. An interactive online Infinity Ring game debuts alongside this installment; the second book, Divide and Conquer by Carrie Ryan, arrives in November. Ages 8–12. Agent: Michael Bourret, Dystel & Goderich Literary Management. (Aug.)