Robert Rankin, . . Gollancz, $24.95 (416pp) ISBN 978-0-575-07871-0
British humorist Rankin's latest journey into absurdity manages, sometimes in spite of itself, to be a entertaining read. Teen narrator Tyler spends the 1960s alternating between playing glam rock with his band, the Sumerian Kynges, who signed a fame-and-fortune contract in blood with the mysterious Mr. Ishmael, and working as a private detective. His adventures eventually lead to encounters with “the Spirit of the Nineteen-Sixties,” the Rolling Stones and the evil Papa Keith Crossbar. Frequent Rankin readers will recognize '50s private eye Lazlo Woodbine and the secret Ministry of Serendipity (last seen in
Reviewed on: 10/20/2008
Genre: Fiction
Open Ebook - 416 pages - 978-0-575-08678-4
Paperback - 400 pages - 978-0-575-08242-7
Paperback - 410 pages - 978-0-575-08240-3