cover image The Moon Clock

The Moon Clock

Matt Faulkner. Scholastic, $14.95 (1pp) ISBN 978-0-590-41593-4

Faulkner's ( The Amazing Voyage of Jackie Grace ) latest, calling to mind a glorified comic strip of yesteryear, is reminiscent both in artistic and narrative style of the works of Howard Pyle. With its round-moon faces, gargoyles, talking dolls and Romanesque architecture, the book contains very little traditional text but is told primarily through dialogue that pops off the pages in cartoon balloons. Although the overall effect may prove somewhat disconcerting, there is a charm here that appeals directly to the imagination. Considered a crybaby by her peers, Robin stays home from school to avoid their taunts. Out of a trunk in her room springs Mr. Kolshinsky, a magical 17th-century Viennese gentleman ``sent to find a hero.'' Robin isn't sure that she is the right choice, but shows that she has the pluck to meet adversity straight on. With a spirited rendition of ``Button Up Your Overcoat,'' she wakes Kolshinsky's drowsy army, and together they defeat their adversaries in a pillow fight. Children who appreciate a challenge will have fun with this quirky romp. Ages 5-9. (Oct.)