The Sin Within Her Smile: 2a Lovejoy Mystery
Jonathan Gash. Viking Books, $18.95 (240pp) ISBN 978-0-670-85608-4
In his 17th appearance ( Paid and Loving Eyes was #16), East Anglia's sexy antiques expert, Lovejoy, steps onto a charity auction block as Slave for a Day. The winning bid--``two thousand guineas, an unbelievable sum''--by an elegant lady wearing pale blue prompts sympathy from his friends. Why? Once again Lovejoy is center stage in a baffling, nefarious scheme, this one hatched by a bunch of greedy rich people. He's off to Mynydd Mal, Wales, driving one of four horse-drawn caravans housing mental patients. Numbered among these are Phillida, pickpocket, shoplifter and mother of baby Arthur (whose diapers Lovejoy frequently changes); Corinda, who's forever taking her clothes off; and shy Boris, who may be having an affair with a royal princess. Members of the syndicate pop up from time to time. Lovejoy enjoys his usual success with the ladies but has less luck figuring out the scam, nearly getting himself blown to bits before nailing it down. This caper requires concentration from readers who must interpret the often obscure lingo and keep straight an unwieldy cast littered with unnecessary and forgettable characters. But even when difficult, Gash delivers more than a fair share of antiques lore, finely timed comedy and, in this case, a dazzling climax. (June)
Reviewed on: 05/30/1994
Genre: Fiction