cover image Fatherlove: What We Need, What We Seek, What We Must Create

Fatherlove: What We Need, What We Seek, What We Must Create

Richard Louv. Pocket Books, $21 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-671-79420-0

An estimated 40% of children of divorced parents haven't seen their fathers in at least a year, and more than half of those youngsters have never been in their fathers' homes. Studies quoted by the author show that such children are likely to have learning difficulties and behavioral problems. And despite the increase of intentional nonmarital births among career women, syndicated columnist Louv ( Childhood's Future ) nonetheless concludes that children fare best with more than one dedicated parent in the household. On that basis he interviewed scores of children, parents and childcare professionals about fathers' lack of involvement in their families. Being a ``good provider,'' he stresses, is not enough. Men must embrace these five dimensions of fatherlove: ``Breadwinning, Nurturing, Community Building, Finding our Place in Time feeling attuned to past and future generations and Spiritual Life.'' To reconnect fatherhood and manhood, Louv sets out multiple suggestions affecting social institutions, the workplace, the law, the community. Although his program may seem idealistic, readers will cheer his contention that ``The great good news is that an enormous payoff awaits the culture . . . as men move deeper into the dimensions of fatherhood.'' (July)