cover image Back in the U.S.S.R.: An American Family Returns to Moscow

Back in the U.S.S.R.: An American Family Returns to Moscow

Jerrold L. Schecter. Scribner Book Company, $0 (468pp) ISBN 978-0-684-18996-3

The Schecter parents and their five children wrote An American Family in Moscow after spending 1968 through 1970 there, where Jerrold Schecter was the Time-Life correspondent. Returning with a film crew during 1987, the authors numbered 10, including three of the siblings' spouses. Each observer-reporter explored areas of particular interest and the result is this encouraging, revealing book. While not predicting an altogether amicable relationship between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S., the writers cite changes in the formerly repressive atmosphere affecting the arts, schools, society, science, etc. Gorbachev's goals for progress and the new openness may not be achieved immediately, the Schecters agree, but he has made a beginning, despite obstructionists. There are, they stress, major economic problems challenging glasnost and perestroika , as well as increased demands by dissidents. But the authors also offer accounts promising hope for a better future and world peace. Significantly, the Schecters' Russian friends met them in public this visit, instead of secretly as in former days. (Jan.)