George Howe Colt, . . Scribner, $25 (336pp) ISBN 978-0-684-84517-3
The epicenter of the Colt family is the Big House, built in 1903 on Wings Neck, a deserted strip of Cape Cod. It's not only an architectural gem but a device to chronicle family, local history and the culture of Boston Brahmins—and it accomplishes that task with charm, style and solid research. For 42 summers, Colt traveled from winter homes across the U.S. to partake in this magical place. It's where he learned to swim and play tennis, and where he kissed his first girl. Indeed, the Big House has seen five weddings, four divorces, parties, anniversaries and love affairs. The Colts, a once venerable tribe, had lost their money—"it is not wealth so much as
Reviewed on: 05/12/2003
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 336 pages - 978-1-4391-2491-8
Paperback - 336 pages - 978-0-7432-4964-5