The Story of Wali Dad
Kristina Rodanas. Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books, $13.95 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-688-07262-9
Adapted from Lang's Brown Fairy Book , this tale is a parable of the ways in which one generous act begets another. Its central figure is Wali Dad, a humble man living in India. Even the little he earns exceeds his needs, so he buys a beautiful bracelet and has it sent to a princess renowned for her kindness. Greatly touched, the princess sends Wali Dad some fine silks, which he in turn passes on to a noble prince. The prince responds with a gift of horses, which Wali Dad immediately consigns to the princess; and so on. In the end, Wali Dad receives the satisfaction of bringing the prince and princess together in marriage and of seeing his initial gift still cherishedrich rewards indeed. Rodanas has created brilliant tableaux for this pleasing tale. With vivid royal colors and a profusion of patterns (marketplace wares, elegant silks and jewel-bedecked menageries) she evokes the opulence and pageantry of imperial India. Quieter scenes aptly mirror Wali Dad's continued satisfaction with a humble life. Ages 5-8. (September)
Reviewed on: 09/01/1988
Genre: Children's
Hardcover - 32 pages - 978-0-688-07263-6