cover image This Thing Called Love: Thoughts of an Out-Of-Step Romantic

This Thing Called Love: Thoughts of an Out-Of-Step Romantic

Steven Schnur. William Morrow & Company, $15 (208pp) ISBN 978-0-688-11022-2

This second collection of essays should add to the fans attracted to Schnur's debut, Daddy's Home (retitled Father's Day in paperback). His recollections and observations are sparked by a wide variety of events, but always include feeling for the people in his life, among them students in his English classes at Sarah Lawrence, colleagues at the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and, above all, his family. There is suspense in Schnur's description of the long years he and his wife hoped for children; joy when they became parents at last; humor as they put up with the antics of growing kids. For a perfect close to the charming stories, the author describes his heartfelt delight and gratitude at a Thanksgiving feast that had too few places for the large gathering of four generations but food enough for an army. (Jan.)