cover image Priscilla Twice

Priscilla Twice

Judith Caseley. Greenwillow Books, $15 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-688-13305-4

``It's not the same as home.... It's not the same family,'' says Priscilla, who is trying to understand her parents' divorce. And even her two sets of toys, books and clothes can't replace what she has lost-her sense of family and place. Readers are never allowed to forget this theme, which is relayed also through Priscilla's pictures at school, including one where her body parts are divided between her parents. But unlike many children of divorce, Priscilla has the love and support of two caring-nay, perfect-parents who are willing to put Priscilla first: Her parents swap Priscilla's favorite recipes and respond to her tantrums with laughter and hugs, and the father moves no farther than ``down the street.'' The lesson is, as a happy and secure Priscilla tells her teacher at the end, ``that there are different kinds of families.'' Caseley's (Dear Annie; My Sister Celia) pat, idealized treatment simplifies a serious topic, but might fuel further discussion. The pencil and watercolor art adequately conveys emotions with lighthearted frankness and honesty, and depicts a welcome multiethnic cast of characters. Ages 5-up. (Aug.)