cover image Waiting for Jennifer

Waiting for Jennifer

Galbraith, Kathryn Osebold Galbraith. Margaret K. McElderry Books, $12.95 (30pp) ISBN 978-0-689-50430-3

Nan and Thea hear the newsthat Mama is going to have a babyabout six months before the due date. They christen the baby Jennifer and start waiting. But babies take forever to arrive! The girls have time to tell all their friends about it, enjoy holidays (Halloween, Christmas, even George Washington's birthday) and still, no baby. Then ""Jennifer'' finally does come, and Nan and Thea have to do some fast rethinking about namesit's a boy. Siblings do endure an endless wait for baby, which Galbraith's book captures aptly, and the marking of time from holiday to holiday is entirely childlike. The small, always-busy girls share happy domestic and school scenes in colored pencil and ink. Ages 4-8. (September)