cover image The Hope Tree: Kids Talk about Breast Cancer

The Hope Tree: Kids Talk about Breast Cancer

Wendy Schlessel Harpham, Laura Joffe Numeroff. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, $12 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-689-84526-0

Cuddly animal characters lay it on the line in the opening note of The Hope Tree: Kids Talk About Breast Cancer by Laura Numeroff and Dr. Wendy Harpham, illus. by David McPhail: ""Once a week we play games and talk about movies, our families, sports, school, books, and, oh yeah, our moms' cancer."" Drawing on actual accounts, the authors create a fictional support group, which addresses 10 topics familiar to families dealing with the disease. Originally published in 1999 with limited distribution, this paper-over-board edition will benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. A comforting and compassionate volume. ( Sept.)