cover image Bear's First Christmas

Bear's First Christmas

Robert Kinerk, , illus. by Jim Lamarche. . S&S/Wiseman, $16.99 (32pp) ISBN 978-0-689-86972-3

In Kinerk's (Clorinda ) rhyming ode to the rewards of giving, it turns out that the bear necessities for a merry Christmas are pretty much the same as human ones. A cub with keen hearing sets out through newly drifted snow to find the faint but joyful noise that has roused him from his seasonal slumber. But his reconnaissance mission is slowed when he stops to aid various animals in distress along the way. Finally locating the sound's source—the home of a snugly gathered family laughing and caroling around a twinkling Christmas tree—bear and company create their own celebration. A tall narrow trim size allows LaMarche room to showcase majestic winter landscapes and a spectrum of soft lamplight, gentle moonglow and shimmering snowflakes. Ages 4-8. (Oct.)
