Art Cities of the Future: 21st-Century Avant-Gardes
Phaidon. Phaidon, $79.95 (336p) ISBN 9780714865362
This dynamic tour through twelve urban centers highlights the diverse art practices of the international avant-garde. The featured cities (Beirut, Istanbul, Lagos, and Singapore among them) are increasingly rising to the attention of Western and international art markets and experiencing the consequent influx of resources and foreign influences. As the grandiose title suggests, the text approaches these cities by boldly celebrating their emergence to the international stage (even as some featured artists linger on the problems of neoliberalism). An influential curator from each city introduces the community and selects eight artists to represent the thriving scene found there. The geographic, material, and theoretical realities of the work are varied to the degree that any contemporary art fan is sure to come across an unfamiliar talent in the hundreds of meticulously compiled images. The collection stands testament to the far-reaching innovations of artists across the world and the unique ability of art to both articulate and bridge cultural differences. In both content and conception, the book serves as a valuable, stirring resource. 557 color illust. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 09/30/2013
Genre: Nonfiction