THE MISS STONE AFFAIR: America's First Modern Hostage Crisis
Teresa Carpenter, . . Simon & Schuster, $25 (256pp) ISBN 978-0-7432-0055-4
Zooming in on a historical footnote, the kidnapping of an American missionary by Macedonian revolutionaries in 1901, Carpenter discovers a Byronic adventure and an early lesson in the perils of international power for the U.S. Ellen Stone was a committed evangelical missionary and an indomitable adventurer who became, says Carpenter, "a law unto herself" in the unstable and newly autonomous Bulgaria, which Carpenter describes as "a nominal Ottoman principality, an American-style democracy, and a Russian client state." In Macedonia, ethnic Bulgarians still ruled by Turks formed a guerrilla resistance, partly financed by brigandage. A rogue band of these revolutionaries seized Stone and another hostage, a local Protestant convert, who was five months pregnant. American involvement was delayed by William McKinley's assassination, just days after the abduction. But Stone's predicament naturally lent itself to sensational media coverage and soon became a cause célèbre, prompting a fund-raising drive to collect the hefty ransom demanded by her captors. With America's limited diplomatic presence in the Balkans, the tangled political agendas of the regional leaders, and the secrecy of the Macedonian guerrillas, the negotiations involved murky, back-channel dealings and hidden subtexts, which Carpenter skillfully delineates. Carpenter—a Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter, former senior editor of the
Reviewed on: 04/07/2003
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 256 pages - 978-1-4391-3067-4
Paperback - 238 pages - 978-0-7432-5805-0