cover image HEAVEN AND EARTH: Making the Psychic Connection

HEAVEN AND EARTH: Making the Psychic Connection

James Van Praagh, . . Simon & Schuster Source, $24 (224pp) ISBN 978-0-7432-2358-4

Prominent clairvoyant Van Praagh (Talking to Heaven) has been on Larry King Live, Oprah and the New York Times bestseller list. His latest book—part fragmentary memoir and part how-to guide—asserts that everyone is born with six senses; the trick, of course, is to learn how to use each of them. To educate readers toward a higher level of psychic ability, Van Praagh discusses the basic skills involved in mediumship (development of increased awareness, communication with spirit guides) and the worlds that invisible phenomena inhabit (the energy fields that envelop the body, the channels through which spirits make contact). To enhance intuition, he recommends daily meditation, breathing exercises and visualization; for the more difficult task of connecting with the higher vibrations of the spirit world, he suggests group work with like-minded people to help build the requisite psychic energy. But as individuals increase their receptivity to spirit communication, Van Praagh warns that they may become vulnerable to psychic vampires and other harmful astral entities. The auric shield, which is like a "brilliant glass shell" surrounding the human body, is an essential safeguard against these negative forces, and the author provides exercises to maintain and strengthen it. This excellent primer demystifies the work of mediums, and for people who hope to reach out to their deceased loved ones or meet their spirit guides, it offers simple and accessible guidance. (Nov.)
