The Race for Hitler's X-Planes: Britain's 1945 Mission to Capture Secret Luftwaffe Technology
John Christopher. History (U.K.) (IPG, dist.), $32.95 (228p) ISBN 978-0-7524-6457-2
As WWII drew to a close, Hitler's army was working at a furious pace in the hope of creating and deploying a number of weapons that could potentially have won the war. Many of these lethal inventions were created, refined, and housed in a massive collection of bunkers, buildings, and tunnels scattered over 1,000 acres around the outskirts of the small village of Volkenrode, Germany. Aviation expert John Christopher (Transatlantic Airships) recounts the bounty that greeted Allied soldiers as they made their way through the complex%C2%A0immediately after the war, including experimental plane engines, and prototypes of planes, many of which were produced by slave labor (25,000 inmates died in one factory alone). Integrated into a larger narrative covering the Nazi's research and production efforts throughout the region at impregnable fortresses, Christopher examines the history of notorious weapons like the V-1 Flying Bomb, planes designed for suicide missions and radio-controlled missiles. Military historians and readers interested in the history of air-based warfare will likely get the most out of the book's many specs and technical details, but armchair generals may find the book a little too bogged down in detail to hold their interest. (June)
Reviewed on: 07/22/2013
Genre: Nonfiction
Other - 200 pages - 978-0-7524-7711-4
Paperback - 336 pages - 978-1-80399-564-9