cover image Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Cats: And the People Who Love Them

Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Cats: And the People Who Love Them

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Sharon Wohlmuth. Health Communications, $9.95 (96pp) ISBN 978-0-7573-0148-3

The evergreen Chicken Soup franchise continues with this cute little point-of-purchase book dedicated to felines (dog lovers need not feel snubbed, as there is a companion volume just for them). Familiar quotes (Colette's ""Time spent with cats is never wasted"") share space with poems of varying quality, charming photographs and, of course, the heartwarming stories that are this series's bread and butter. Contributors--mostly women--tell of getting called into kitty court, learning to love a stray and helping to save a feral kitten. Style, such as it is, trumps substance, as there are only a handful of narratives, but there are enough appealing photos to fill in the gaps.